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2007 WYC Cold Duck Race Results

Rain and clouds started the day, by race time there was little wind, but within the hour there was enough to race and a great sunny October afternoon for the last race of the season ...

Cruisng 25 feet or less

place boatname ownername boattype sailnumber rating starttime finishtime TCF elapsedtime correctedtime
1 Hi Ho Sullivan Ensign   282 12:38:00 16:04:35 0.78125 3:26:35 2:41:24
2 Serenity Richardson Sea Sprite 520 282 12:38:00 16:31:35 0.78125 3:53:35 3:02:29
3 MBSA Nolan J-22 501 186 12:38:00 16:21:47 0.883152174 3:43:47 3:17:38
dnf Kindred Spirit Fay Sea Sprite 234 282 12:38:00 18:00:00 0.78125 5:22:00 4:11:34
dnf Tranquility Curtain Bristol 24 338 276 12:38:00 18:00:00 0.786924939 5:22:00 4:13:23
dnf Water Mark 1 Slagle pearson commander 87 225 12:38:00 18:00:00 0.838709677 5:22:00 4:30:04
dnf nantucket bound morretti capri 22   207 12:38:00 18:00:00 0.858652576 5:22:00 4:36:29

Cruisng over 25 feet

1FireworksBrenner Fullerc&C 30 II 16812:46:0015:56:340.9052924793:10:342:52:31
2TotamSeligSJ 302185516212:46:0015:57:220.9129213483:11:222:54:42
3Suger MountianSinofskyPearson 3113018312:46:0016:18:020.8867667123:32:023:08:01
4HalleakalaGarlandCatalina 3465816812:46:0016:14:130.9052924793:28:133:08:30
5Second windD'arcyAlerion30517412:46:0016:19:360.8977900553:33:363:11:46
6 Papion 2 TreftAlerion16317412:46:0016:25:170.8977900553:39:173:16:52
7Phased OutMulliganJ100 10212:46:0016:18:300.9969325153:32:303:31:51
dnfSwept AwayVan RoyenCatallina 2820319212:46:0018:00:000.8760107825:14:004:35:04


1Argo IIINickersonJ8048512012:46:0015:09:490.97012:23:492:19:31
2Excitable BoyPhilpit/DelgadoJ8015812012:46:0015:12:040.97012:26:042:21:42
3The OfficeConeysJ8020512012:46:0015:13:450.97012:27:452:23:20
4Jolly MonLaVin/RochlisJ8048412012:46:0015:15:420.97012:29:422:25:14
5Flying ColorsCurtisC&C 2570022512:46:0015:44:510.83872:58:512:30:00
6Over the edgeScottJ8016312012:46:0015:24:070.97012:38:072:33:24
8Misty 26SibsonJ8067912012:46:0015:32:060.97012:46:062:41:09