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This is the LWSA pre-2017 ARCHIVE site. For 2017 and later see the current LWSA site.

J/80 Links:









Notice of Race/Sailing Instructions

Scoring Explained





Season Archives

Original Documents

2015 J/80 Fleet 1 Notices

Amendment #1 to the Notice of Race has been posted on the NOR/SI page. The amendment is effective for races started after 12 May 2015. This amendment clarifes J-Jamboree scoring for the fall series.

Amendment #2 to the Notice of Race has been posted on the NOR/SI page. The amendment is effective after 18 June 2015. This amendment removes the requirement for owner membership, which is accidently left in the template NOR after it was removed by amendment in 2014.

Amendment #1 to the Sailing Notice of Race has been posted on the NOR/SI page. The amendment is effective 18 June 2015. It removes the use of the j80fleet1alerts mailing list and removes the owner membership requirement for boat substitution.