In addition to being a major supporter of LWSA, Fay's Boat Yard provides the best sailboat sales
and service on the lake. We urge you to support us by patronizing this fine
- Sailing
- US Sailing - The national sailing organization
- Winnipesauke Yacht Club
- Wolfeboro Corinthian Yacht Club
- WolfeSail racing and cruising from Wolfeboro
- PHRF New England
- Daysailer Class Association if you have one and want to start a local fleet and/or race on the lake contact Bob Lemaire at .
- J/80 Class Association
- Laser Class Association
- Webcams
- Varney Point Webcam/Weather Station
- Lots of Lakes Region Webcams
- Lakes Region
- The Lake Winnipesaukee Home Page - Information about everything besides sailing
- - Lakes Region information, events calendar, travel and recreation information, forums, photo galleries and more
- Weather Underground: Laconia, New Hampshire Forecast - Latest conditions at Laconia
- Boat Stuff
- Fay's Boat Yard - Sales, Service, Chandlery - Best place for sailboat hardware on the lake
- Boat US - LWSA has cooperating member agreement