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This is the LWSA pre-2017 ARCHIVE site. For 2017 and later see the current LWSA site. |
Our StaffBen Crosby is a sailing instructor from Meredith who has come up through the program as a camper, Junior Instructor, and now Co-Operations Director. Ben was involved in many sports such as cross country, skiing, and soccer while attending Inter-Lakes High School. Liam Shanahan attends Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts. This year he is Co-Operations Director after having worked his way up through the Sailing School ranks. He captained his XC and alpine ski team at the Bancroft School in Worcester. Liam also plays lacrosse and competes across New England as a skier. Liam enjoys jazz music as well. He began sailing at the age of 8 and loves it! Sometimes you'll see him windsurfing or taking part in the Timberman Triathlon. Wyatt Himmer grew up in eight different countries all over the world, but has fallen in love with sailing on Lake Winnipesaukee during the summer since the age of six, and has sailed with LWSA since he was eight. This year, Wyatt enjoys his first as a sailing instructor. A graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter NH, he now attends McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and studies economics and finance. Wyatt spends much of his free time running, hiking, traveling, and reading anything he can get his hands on! He is also an avid tennis player and aspiring linguist. Catherine McLaughlin is a student at the Holderness School. She grew up in Gilford, NH and has come up through the program as a camper, junior instructor, and now instructor. When not sailing on the lake, she enjoys spending her free time on the ski hill or lacrosse field. Elizabeth Toates-McCabe has been a camper, junior instructor, and now instructor. She grew up in Westfield, New Jersey but has been coming up to Lake Winnipesaukee her whole life. Elizabeth attends Hobart and William Smith Colleges. In her free time she enjoys sailing on the lake, swimming, and playing golf. Chris Yopp graduated from Interlakes High school in Meredith. Chris came up through the program as a camper, junior instructor, and is now a School instructor. Chris was featured on New Hampshire Chronicle when the tv show came to film LWSA. His favorite sports and activities are ski racing, sailing, soccer, lacrosse, and snowmobiling. |