Dear LWSA Members and supporters,
We would like to encourage you to become US Sailing members. US Sailing, the National Governing Body for Sailing, is a grass-roots, volunteer-supported organization dedicated to sailors across the country of all levels of racing and recreational sailing, as well as local sailing organizations like our club.
To make it easy, we are participating in US Sailing's Member Partner Program which offers discounted US Sailing membership rates (20% off) and contributes a portion of your dues back to our LWSA.

Why should you become a member of US Sailing?
As a member of US Sailing, you make it possible for US Sailing to develop and maintain programs that we depend on. These programs include training for our certified instructors and race officials, curricula and resources for our junior program, support for our volunteers, insurance programs for our programs, and more. This support impacts your sailing activities, directly or indirectly, whether it is through our junior sailing program, regattas, insurance and other services. And from the bigger picture, as a member of US Sailing, you are supporting efforts to maintain the health and integrity of sailing and ensure a bright future for all sailors.
What will you receive as a member of US Sailing?
In addition to supporting the programs and people that impact your time on the water, as a member of the Member Partner Program, you will receive a host of great benefits including:
- A copy of the Racing Rules of Sailing
- Lowest rates on Sailing World and Cruising World magazines
- Special member pricing on all items in the US Sailing Store.
- Great discounts from US Sailing sponsors and partners, including West Marine, Sperry Top-Sider, Brooks Brothers, Hobie Polarized Sunglasses, Hilton WorldWide, United Airlines, and many more.
US Sailing Member Partner Program Rates:

How can you join US Sailing?
To join through our Member Partner Program, all you have to do is click here and you will be directed to our Member Partner Program webpage. Once you're there, just follow the simple steps and within minutes, you will be a US Sailing member. You will receive immediate membership confirmation, be able to take advantage of all of all of your benefits, and you will be supporting US Sailing and their efforts to provide leadership, advancement, and integrity for the sport of sailing.
The Member Partner Program is a win-win for you, our organization, and US Sailing. By joining through our Member Partner Program, not only do you receive special membership rates, but a portion of your membership dues are given back to our organization so we can purchase US Sailing products and services, such as the Racing Rules of Sailing, educational DVDs, books, apparel, race official and instructor certification fees, and much more.
We encourage you to participate in our Member Partner Program and take advantage of all that US Sailing has to offer!